Heritage Home

page 7

Upside of R&R Home


   So, although I AM somewhat of a softy California dude, I do have a feel for rural reality. My family lived it; my mom and dad knew it personally. If I'm spoiled at all, it's because my mom and dad worked hard, in part, to give me something more than they had. And they had family; they had a lot. My dad went to work in Miami, AZ copper mines for over 4 years, then to Modesto, California, where he pruned trees, picked peaches and worked at a barium processing plant from 1941 to 1946. One of the uses for barium was for the tracer bullets that were used in WWII, about every fifth bullet, in air craft machine guns. He then landed a job working for the California State Hospital system, where he had a career of 22 years. After that he went to school for his real estate license and became a successful real estate broker. This exposed him to the world of First Trust Deeds and he made several very successful investments in that area as well. As of July 28th, 2001 my dad is 84 years old. He still feels pretty good and has taken great care of himself over the years. He and I are closer than ever and I'm proud of him. He is a blessing to me and my brother. He's our DAD.

    Want to see a funny picture from about 1976 that will give you a good idea of the kind of humor I grew up with? Click here to see it. (Return link provided)

Here my dad is again, with his running buddy, George Nix in 1929 standing in front of the Allsup home place. Their smokehouse is seen on the left with the bucket hanging on it.



circa 1937 Friends of the Allsup's in Ryal, Oklahoma, weighing freshly picked cotton to sell.


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